LEGO Group

How does your organization contribute to Billund as the capital of children, where children learn through play and become creative world citizens?

Learning through play is the very foundation of the LEGO Group. Since our establishment in Billund in 1932, children and their development have been our main concern, and children are our role models.

We hope to contribute to creating the Capital of Children with our many years of experience with children's play and learning.

We initiate many activities where our employees create exciting LEGO experiences in the local community voluntarily.

Furthermore, the LEGO Group is a large workplace that attracts many employees from all over the world. It supports an international environment that contributes to giving all of Billund's children a global perspective.

Finally, the park around our new office building, LEGO Campus, is open to children and adults in Billund, and the town’s 'Playline' will pass through the park.

What do children get out of your contribution in particular?  

Our focus is to create fun, exciting, and creative play experiences for children around the world. Play is essential for children's development. LEGO® products contribute to developing children's creative, motor, and social competencies and many other skills. It also applies, of course, to children in Billund.

We test all our play experiences on children, and many of these children are from Billund. They, therefore, have a decisive impact on the LEGO products of the future.

We are also inspired by the thousands of children from all over the world who call, write, and email us every day with questions, comments, and ideas. For example, children's input inspires us in terms of making our products and packaging more sustainable.  

How do you think it links to the vision of the Capital of Children?

Children are our role models and the very foundation of our company. Children are curious, creative, and imaginative. If we adults will let ourselves be inspired by children's approach, we will all – children and adults – be better equipped to thrive in a world that is constantly evolving. The Capital of Children's vision of being a place that insists on a playful and appreciative approach to life and children's skills is entirely in line with our fundamental belief. We believe that the partnership with the Capital of Children can give us new insight and inspiration to learn even more from children.

- Senior Vice President Poul Schou, LEGO Group


Year of foundation: 1932

How many children develop their skills with you annually?

Millions of children learn through play with LEGO products and experiences every day. In addition, in 2019 we reached 1.8 million children through our Local Community activities and other similar activities in cooperation with the LEGO Foundation and other partners. Our goal is to reach 8 million children in this way by 2022.

How many days do you offer competence development activities?

Our play experiences develop children's skills in a fun and exciting way every single day of the year. The same applies to the above-mentioned Local Community  activities and partnerships